Posts: 2 Weeks at a Glance Dec.9-20

12/6/2019 2:10 PM by cathy.denovan



There will not be any
assigned homework for the next two weeks. However, good fit books will continue
to be sent home for the first week. 
Please encourage your child to read over the holidays (daily if
possible) and read to them.



This would be a great time to
practice concepts your child is struggling with.



sight words
sound teams


Numbers to 50:

write them with no reversals
identify all numbers to 50 (and beyond)
count forward and back from different starting points
count by 2s, 5s, and 10s forward and backward from different
starting points
order a given set of numbers from least to greatest and greatest
to least
compare two numbers (say which is greater/less and how they know)
count coins (nickels, dimes, could even try quarters)
Practice math facts to 18 (addition and subtraction)


*  Please check book bags nightly for additional


*  We are missing a few class/library
books.  Please look at home for them.



Dec.10-parking tickets and money due

Dec.11-Pay $1 to wear Xmas sweater(Please refer
to the school website)


Dec. 12 – Christmas
Concert – 9:00 and 11:00 (Storm Date
Dec. 13). 


                 -Last day to buy
Xmas dinner tickets


coloured team t shirt


Dec.18- Pay $1 to
wear pyjamas(Please refer to the school website)


dinner for students
-Please refer to the school's
web site for price etc. Last day to buy tickets is Thursday, Dec.12      If your child is not ordering Xmas dinner
they must bring a packed lunch as only Xmas dinner will be offered.


             - Wear and
Elf hat/Christmas hat to the Art Richard concert


Dec. 20 – last day of
classes      Wear festive outfit for our
school wide sing a long


Jan. 7 –  first day back for students




December is a busy
month here at Royal Road! Please check the school web site daily for updates.




Have a
Merry Christmas and a safe holiday


Category: Mrs. Denovan
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