Posts: Week of February 3rd

2/2/2020 1:03 PM by liette.mcgraw

* Please make sure your child reads daily this week.

Monday:  I am sending progress reports home.  Please sign it and return to school.  Thank you.

Valentine's Day note will be sent home.

Thursday: Library books are due

Friday: Due date for Pink shirt orders and $.


Last week: Sound learned :  ail

High frequency words added on our word wall: moins - merci - midi - monsieur - lorsque - même - maintenant

The students finished presenting their writing piece.  In math, we practiced adding missing numbers in math sentences.  For example:  

12 +  _____ = 18

14 -   _____ =   6

_____ - 9  =   7 

We continue to focus on mental math strategies.   The students practice to explain their thinking and explain which strategies they used to add or subtract two single digit numbers ( answers up to 18).   

Category: Madame McGraw
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