Posts: Grade 1 November Outcomes

10/22/2018 7:44 AM by stacey.waugh

September-November Literacy Outcomes:
GCO 1 2 3 ask and respond to questions to seek info (who what where when why), express opinions, listen to ideas/opinions of others, express thoughts/feelings/describe experiences, responds to and give simple directions or instructions, sustain 1:1 conversation and contribute to group interaction
Reading/Viewing: GCO 4567-use with support various cueing systems and a variety of strategies to construct meaning from text, regard reading and viewing as a source of interest/enjoyment/information, expand understanding of concepts of print, interact with a variety of simple text, make personal connections to text and share responses in a variety of ways, recognize basic components of texts
Writing: Emergent-GCO 8A/B, 9A/B, 10B/C/E: understand print carries a message, use writing and other forms of representing to convey meaning (communicating messages, recounting experiences, expressing feelings and imaginative ideas, exploring learning), create written media texts using some familiar forms (lists, letters, messages, finger plays, drawings, puppetry), demonstrate an awareness of audience and purpose; begin to develop strategies for prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and presenting; demonstrate engagement with writing and other forms of representation;  with assistance, engage in the research process to construct and communicate meaning
               Early-GCO 8C/E, 9D/E, 10B/C/D: begin to experiment with language choices in imaginative writing and other ways of representing; use some conventions of written language; demonstrate engagement with the creation of pieces of writing and other representations; with assistance, experiment with technology in writing and other forms of representing
Math Outcomes
September-November Math Outcomes:
: Say the number sequence 0 to 20, forwards and backwards; count by 2’s
: Recognize at a glance and name familiar arrangement (subitizing): 1 to 10 objects
N4: Represent and describe numbers to 20
(number words to 10)
N3: Demonstrate an understanding of counting principles
PR1: Demonstrate an understanding of repeating patterns (2 to 4 elements) by describing, reproducing, extending and creating patterns
PR2: Translate repeating patterns from one representation to another
PR3: Describe equality as a balance and inequality as an imbalance
PR4: Record equalities using an equal sign
SS2: Sort 3-D objects and 2-D shapes using one attribute and explain the sorting rule
You & Your World: Groups
·        Review definition/characteristics of groups
·        Demonstrate understanding that people join together to form social/cultural groups
·        Demonstrate understanding that there are characteristics which bring people together
·        Recognize that children (local, national, global) form a group
·        Develop understanding of time concepts
·        Identify reasons for settlement and development of local community
·        Identify/describe changes in local community over time
·        Create simple time line to record events in community’s history
·        Recognize that community consists of people and places with interesting stories to tell

Category: Ms. Forde
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