Posts: Grade 1 Week at a Glance (Nov. 5-9)

11/2/2018 2:50 PM by stacey.waugh

Grade 1 Mrs. Waugh 
Week at a Glance (Nov. 5 - Nov. 9)

Wednesday Night – Pack library books to be sent back Thursday. 
– Practice sight words, sound teams and read good fit books/Raz-Kids.
Words of the Week:
 see, what, very, no, an          (Please highlight these on your high frequency word list).  Please have your child practice reading the words of the week each night. If he/she reads them with ease, try spelling them. You can also have him/her write a sentence using one of the words of the week. Check that he/she is using uppercase letters only when necessary (first word in sentence/someone’s name/word I), leaving finger spaces between words, and using end punctuation.
Sound Teams:  “ee” and “ea”  “ie”
(please highlight these on your sound team sheet)
·        The ee and ea sound teams both make the long “e” sound
·        Have your child practice reading words such as the following: team, stream, meet, leader, treats, steam, feet, etc.      “ie” words, as in pie ,tie, lie, etc.
·        These teams follow the rule…..when two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking.”
Word Family: -ick How many words can you find that end with ick ?
Reading strategies:  “Helpful Kangaroo”- After you have tried all other strategies ask for help.
This week we will continue to focus on fluency while we practice reading in phrases instead of word by word.
The grade one reading benchmark for the November report card is level C. The children are expected to read this level independently, fluently and with good comprehension for appropriate achievement (3).
Writing:  We are continuing to focus on adding details to a story. Have your child tell you about a “small moment” that happened at school today, and make sure he/she is telling you lots of interesting/related details.
Math (Numbers to 20):
Practice numbers to 20 with your child at home by doing the following activities:
·        Do a quick drill each night by asking your son/daughter; “What is1 more than __,1 less than ___, 2 more than ___, 2 less than ___” etc. (using numbers 10-20)
·        Have your child count forward and back from different points (ie; start at 6 and count forward to 13, start at 18 and count backward to 5, etc.)
·        Pose the following Part/part/whole problems to your child:
1.      There are 9 books. 3 are on the shelf. How many are not on the shelf?
2.      There are19 dogs and 5 are black. How many are not black?
Continue to use counters if your child needs them. Other helpful tools include a number line, fingers, and some are beginning to figure it out in their head!
·        We have been working with the pattern of counting-on from 10. Students are starting to see numbers from 11-20 as a set of 10 and “some more”. Ask your child questions such as; “What is 10 and 7 more? What is 10 and 9 more?”, etc. These should be fast and easy if your child is noticing the pattern.
·        Using two ten frames, have your child experiment with building numbers in the teens. We have been doing this in class to stress that we will always have one full ten frame, as numbers in the teens are just a group of ten and “some more”. See homework from Oct.24 for printable frames.
Link for number lines:
Reminders/Important Dates:
·             Nov. 5 – Picture Retakes
·             Nov. 9 – Full day Professional Learning Day – no school for students
·             Nov. 12 – No school due to Remembrance Day
·             Nov. 16 – Report Cards go home
·             Nov. 22 – Parent teacher conferences (evening)
·             Nov 23 – 
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