Posts: ​Grade 2 Week at a Glance (Dec. 3-Dec. 7)

11/30/2018 2:22 PM by cathy.denovan

Grade 2 Week at a Glance (Dec. 3-Dec. 7)




Wednesday Night – Pack library books to be
sent back Wednesday.  Library has started up! This Wednesday will
be their first session.





Nightly read
good fit book, practice sight words, practice sound teams introduced up to this
point.  Students now have the option of
reading books online on Raz-kids






Words of the Week:  will,
were, when, what, why


Please have your child practice reading the words
of the week each night. Be sure to keep up with high lighting them on the main
sheet I gave you.





Word Family:  -ill.  How many words can you think of that end with
the –ill sound?



Sound Teams:  “ch”
for the “k” sound


Have students read the following words:  Christmas, school, chord, choir, echo.



Reading:  Work
on retelling a story they have just read. 
Ask them the question “What was the story about?” They should not simply
say that it was about a boy with a dog. They should be able to retell the story
with important details and include a beginning, middle and ending.





Reading strategies: Monitor and


This week
we will be practicing monitoring and
. Students often don’t realize when they make an error when
reading, so we will be learning how to “cross check” (asking yourself - Does
that look right? Does it sound right? Does it make sense?
). Students
must pay attention to what they are reading and be able to stop and
self-correct if an error is made.




Writing:  Transition Words
(sentence starters)


This week students will be reviewing how to begin sentences in different
ways, in order to properly sequence events in our stories and to make our
writing more fluent. Students will review different transition words/sentence
starters to begin their sentences with – First,
Next, Then, After, Finally,




Math:  We will continue to apply mental math
strategies to determine basic addition facts to 18 and related subtraction
facts.  Please continue to practice the
following at home:


·       Using doubles to 18 (6+6=12 so 6+7 is 13 –
just one more than the double).


10 (1+9, 7+3)


more/1 less than a given number


more/2 less than a given


is an important benchmark number in math. If they are able to “make” 10,
working and regrouping of higher numbers will be easier. For example, we will
eventually look at addition to 20. 
8+6….they can think-I can turn the 8 into 10 by taking 2 from the 6.
Since I took 2 from 6 it is now 10 and 4 and I easily know that is 14. So 8and
6 is the same as 10 and 4!


it is important to know “nice numbers” also called “friends of 10”. You ask..7
and….they quickly tell you 3. You say 5 and…they quickly tell you 5 etc.





Reminders/Important Dates:


Dec.5-Pay $1 to wear antlers/hat.(Please refer to the
calendar online/sent home)


Dec. 11 – Christmas
Concert –9:00 and 11:00 (Storm Date
Dec. 14). 


Dec.13-Xmas dinner for students.( Last day to buy a ticket is Dec.4)If
your child is not ordering Xmas dinner they must bring a packed lunch as only
Xmas dinner will be offered.


Dec. 21 – last
day of classes-it is a full day


Jan. 8 – students
first day back




is a busy month here at Royal Road! Please check the school web site daily for
updates. If you misplace the calendar I sent home there is a document posted
with all of the activities.


example: To help raise money for the Fredericton Food Bank, the students are
invited to pay $1 so they can wear antlers or Santa/Elf hat (Wed. Dec 5). Pay
$1 on Wed. Dec 12 to wear a festive sweater. For $1 on Wed Dec.19, they can
wear their pj’s.

Category: Mrs. Denovan
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