Posts: ​December Outcomes

11/30/2018 3:01 PM by cathy.denovan





Speaking/Listening: GCO 1,2,3



GCO 1F: Ask
and respond to questions to clarify or gather information


GCO 2G: Respond
to and give instructions that include two or three components


GCO 3F: Recognize
volume of voice and politeness in conversation and cooperative play




Reading/Viewing: GCO 4, 5, 6, 7


independently and with teacher assistance, texts appropriate to interests and
learning needs


GCO 4I: use
some feature of written text to determine content, locate topics, and obtain


GCO 4K: use
a variety of strategies to create meaning


GCO 6D: Express
and begin to support opinions about texts and the word of authors/illustrators



Writing: GCO 8,9,10


writing and other forms of representing for a variety of functions(ex-to ask
questions, to generate and organize ideas, to express feelings, opinion, and
imaginative ideas, to inform/communicate information, to record experiences, to
explore learning)


8D-begin to develop, with assistance, some ways to make
their own notes (e.g., webs, story maps,




a variety of familiar text forms and other media (messages, letters, lists,
recounts, role play)


some conventions of written language(ex spacing, most vowel and consonants are
represented, increasing number of words spelled conventionally, simple sentence
structure, attempt to use punctuation, use uppercase for names, I and sentence


engagement with the creation of pieces of writing and other representations (ex-sustain
choose writing in free time, share work, contribute during shared writing,
contribute to observations field trips etc


assistance, begin using technology in writing and representing-use a tape
recorder to tape a completed piece of writing or dramatization or oral
retelling, use a drawing program/simple word processing to create illustrations
for a group story or to draw a picture and write a caption




You &
Your World


2.3.2A: Demonstrate and understanding of the concept of consumer


2.3.2B: identify different strategies used by consumers to make good economic


2.3.2C: develop an understanding of the concept of supply and demand


2.3.2D: recognize that money is the major form of transaction for consumers


2.3.2E: identify factors that affect supply and demand


2.3.2F: explain why prices change and how this affects consumers' decision




Math Nov-March


N1: Say the
number sequence, forward and backward, 0 to 100, by: 5s, using starting points that are multiples of 5 respectively; 10s using starting points from 1 to 9;
2s starting from 1 (Revisit 2s
and 10s)

N2: Demonstrate
if a number (up to 100) is even or

N4: Represent
and describe numbers to 100,
concretely, pictorially and symbolically

N5: Compare
and order numbers up to 50

N6: Estimate
quantities to 100 using referents

Illustrate, concretely and pictorially, the meaning of place value
for numerals to 50

N9: Demonstrate an understanding of
addition with answers to 20 and the corresponding subtraction facts; create
and solve addition and subtraction problems (up to answers to 100)

N10: Apply
mental mathematics strategies to determine basic addition facts to 18 and
related subtraction facts: addition for subtraction; bridging
through 10


PR3: Demonstrate
and explain the meaning of equality and inequality by using manipulatives and
diagrams (to 18)

PR4: Record
equalities and inequalities symbolically using the equal symbol or the not
equal symbol (to 18)


SS1: Relate the number of days to a week and the number of months

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