Posts: This Month's Poetry Project

1/31/2017 3:52 PM by meghan.lyons

It is poetry month and our LA classes were lucky to receive an ArtsSmarts Grant, a project that encourages the melding of art and literacy. For our poetry project, we are having Pam Stanley come to our LA classes on Thursdays and Fridays to teach us photography. How to choose the subject you want to photograph? How to set up a camera? How to frame an image? How to edit an image? Etc. The subject of the students’ photograph will help support the subject of the poems that they will write.

Each grade was given the specifics of the writing requirements last week. The students will be given time in class to write the poems, take the photos and edit on the computer (final due date will be the week before leaving for March break. Be talking with your child about their poems, helping them write or even coming up with ideas for their photographs.

* Check the document section of my teacher page for specific project requirements for your child's grade level.

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