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June 07

LHHS Student Procedures and Rules for Assessment Week June 2019

It is the responsibility of students to follow procedures and observe the rules for

completing exams and conferences. Students are to be present and responsible for the correct time, date and location of exams and conferences. Only students with academic commitments (exam &/or conference) are expected in the building during exam week.

All school rules apply during exam week and respectful conduct is expected.

Thank you for your cooperation and best wishes on your exams and conference.

LHHS Assessment Week 2019

Dates and Times of Exams –

          Monday, June 10              Period 1  8:45am to 10:45am   Period 2 - 1 to 3 pm

Tuesday, June 11            Period 3  8:45am to 10:45am

Wednesday, June 12       Period 4  8:45am to 10:45am

Thursday, June 13           Period 5  8:45am to 10:45am

Friday, June 14                No exam – marking day  

·       8:25 a.m. Students will proceed to their exam room to return textbooks and receive instructions for exams.

·       8:35 a.m. Announcements will be made daily from the main office.

·       Students may not leave morning exams until 10:15 a.m. (A bell will ring!)

·       There is no provision for students who come on the wrong day to write an exam.

During the exam:

Exams are an assessment of student individual performance in a subject. The expectations of students during an exam include:

            Follow all instructions of the supervising teacher.

            Keep your eyes on your own paper. Do not look around the room.

            No electronic information devices allowed.

            All cell phones & electronic devices are to be turned off and not accessible to students.

Keep your writing area clear of all materials except for materials indicated

by your supervising teacher.

            Protect your paper from view of other students.

The consequences for cheating on an exam will be a zero on the exam.

After Your Exams:

Students are to go quickly and quietly to the cafeteria lower floor or home.

Bus Departure:  Monday 3:30pm, Tuesday 11:30 am, Wednesday 1 pm, Thursday 11:30 am. Please be outside promptly to catch your bus, there will only be one run of each bus.   


Students are asked to get everything they need from their lockers BEFORE EXAM WEEK. Students are not permitted to go to their lockers between 10:15 am and 11:00 am. This helps to maintain a quiet environment for those finishing exams. English& History Conference students entering the building for their conference are not permitted to go to their lockers from 8:45 am to 11:00 am and Monday from 1 pm to 3:15 pm.

Textbooks & School Property

It is the student’s responsibility to return school property to their teachers including: textbooks, library books, and calculators, etc. before the exam begins. If a student has lost a textbook or library book they are to pay the replacement cost to the subject teacher or library.

Absences during exams

Exams are to be written in all courses as scheduled. Alternate arrangements occur only at the discretion of an administrator. A medical certificate will be required. Please Note: Notification of any absence must occur before the writing of the examination - Please call (457-6898) if leaving a message please include the student’s first and last name and the course and teacher’s name.

Feed the Lions: Breakfast -Monday to Thursday

 Lunch – Monday only

(No Cafeteria Service during assessment week)

Monday June 17 at 8:30 am

Grade 12 return for report cards (Reminder: Request transcripts at Guidance $1) Busses depart at 10 am

Tuesday June 18 at 8:30 am

Grade 9, 10 and 11 return for report cards & Busses depart at 10 am

Summer School registration at Guidance – June 17,18,19 (8:30 to 11:30 am)

Student Timetables for 2019-2020 will be available on the first day of school in September 2019.

LHHS Summer Hours will be posted on the website and the front doors of the school.


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