FEC Garden Creek School > School News > Posts > School Memo #24-Monday, March 12th, 2018
March 12
School Memo #24-Monday, March 12th, 2018
                                                Memo for Garden Creek Parents and Guardians
Good afternoon Creeker Families! 
At this time of year, I want to remind you all that you need to check each morning regardless of the current weather, to make sure there are no school delays or closures, bus delays or cancellations. This can be done via the school or district website, http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/asd-w/Pages/default.aspx, twitter, listening to a local radio station, or phoning the hotline at 453-5454 or 1-888-388-4455.
Parents, we are looking to form a committee of interested people who would like to participate in a meeting to help inform school policy about "Food allergies and other dietary restrictions." If you think you might be interested in participating in such a meeting, please respond to this email to sign up, or send me an email. We will decide on a meeting time based on the schedules of those who have joined the committee, and will be looking at late March/early April to have the first meeting.
We would like to welcome two new teaching interns from St. Thomas University who are starting with us today: Ms. Shayna Thorne with Mme Plourde in Phys. Ed. and M. Francis Sirois with M. Levesque in grade 4FI. We also have Ms. Mackenzie Albert from the University of New Brunswick who is returning for another block of her internship with Mr. Tobin. 
 This week:
Mon. March 12 -Let's Talk Science group 1, second rotation (grade 1s and 2s who previously signed up); milk orders go home for this last term; Yearbook orders due
Tues. March 13-Pizza hot lunch;
Weds. March 14-Fluoride mouth rinse; Grade 1FI-Arntsen field trip to the Superstore at 8:40 am
Thurs. March 15- Grade 4 and 5 students (who signed up) attending UNB Hockey Southside Schools Afternoon-pick up by 4pm at UNB; Kindergarten family lunch; Chartwell's hot lunch
Fri. March 16 - Baked Potato lunch provided by Home and School for all; Term 3 milk orders due
Coming up:
March 19- Let's talk science group 2, first rotation (grade 1 and 2s who previously signed up-ask if you're not sure)
March 20 -Harvey's Photo Day for teams and clubs-rescheduled day; Home and School 6:30
March 22-Selected classes attending George Street "Guys and Dolls Junior" production
March 23-Selected classes attending LHHS "The Little Mermaid" production
March 26- Let's talk science group 2, second rotation (grade 1 and 2s who previously signed up)
March 27- No school; Doodle Poll released for Achievement Report #2 Parent-teacher interviews; PSSC 6:30
March 30-Good Friday (no school)
April 2-Easter Monday (no school)
April 9-Achievement Report #2 released
April 10-13- Scholastic Book Fair at the school
Have a great week!
Samantha Robichaud
Acting Principal
Garden Creek Elementary School
"Once a Creeker, Always A Creeker!"
MISSION STATEMENT: Garden Creek School strives to provide a safe, caring learning environment where everyone feels accepted and can develop their full potential.
VISION STATEMENT: Garden Creek School students will develop the skills to become enthusiastic lifelong learners and caring active citizens of their communities.


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