FEC Connaught Street > Guidance > Posts > CSS practises HABIT 2: Begin with the End in Mind
October 17
CSS practises HABIT 2: Begin with the End in Mind
Habit 2.jpgHabit 2: Begin With the End in Mind means to plan ahead.  Think about what you want to accomplish and choose the steps that will get you there.  It also reminds us not to give up on our goals- think with the end in mind! 
When we were babies, we were determined to walk and we took the steps  (literally) to get there!  Use that determination to pursue your dreams and make your goals a reality!
  • Are you planning to be someone or something at Halloween?  What steps are you taking to help make that happen?
  • Do you want to do well on your next report card?  What steps are you taking to help make that happen?
  • Do you want to have friends?  What steps are you taking to help make that happen?


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