WEC Townsview School > News > Posts > Parent infomation:


August 30
Parent infomation:

Please see the following parent information:

Bell Schedule:

Bell Schedule - August 29, 2021.pdfBell Schedule - August 29, 2021.pdf

Student Handbook:

Student Handbook  - 2021-2022 (August 29, 2021).pdfStudent Handbook - 2021-2022 (August 29, 2021).pdf

  See the source image 

Check out the Welcome to Kindergarten video:

Welcome to KIndergarten - SD 480p.movWelcome to KIndergarten - SD 480p.mov

School Cash Online:

School Cash Online - Parent Information Sheet (April 19, 2021).pdfSchool Cash Online - Parent Information Sheet (April 19, 2021).pdf


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