Sustainability Studies for Burton, McAdam, Millville & Nackawic Schools

Article Posted: Wednesday, September 16, 2015

​At the monthly Public District Education Council (DEC) meeting on May 21, 2015, the DEC voted in favor of conducting a sustainability study on schools in Anglophone West School District (ASD-W):  Burton Elementary, McAdam Elementary School, Millville Elementary School and Nackawic (x3 schools).  On June 11, 2015 , the DEC voted in favor of conducting a sustainability study on Burton Elementary School.  The process for a sustainability study is outlined in the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD) policies below:
EECD Policies 409A,AA,AB,AC

 ASD-W has created a subsite to provide relevant documentation and an online feedback forum to allow parents and stakeholders adequate opportunity to contribute to this important discussion.  Please visit the subsite here: