District News: Possible CUPE Strike Action - Letter from Minister Cardy

Title: Possible CUPE Strike Action - Letter from Minister Cardy
Body: Parents and Guardians,

The letter below is from the Minister of Education and Early
Childhood Development, Dominic Cardy, outlining the steps that will be
taken at our schools if CUPE strike action occurs.


Please take the time to review the letter in full. Your cooperation at this time is greatly appreciated.




David McTimoney, Superintendent


October 27, 2021


Dear Students and Families,


As you may be aware, strike votes affecting various
educational services recently took place. As a result of the vote, CUPE locals
1190, 27 45 and 1253 - whose members include mechanics, educational assistants,
custodians and bus drivers - are now in a legal position to take strike action.


We understand that this situation is stressful for families,
especially during a new school year. However, I want to assure you that our
experience managing the COVID-19 pandemic throughout the past year has
demonstrated that the education system is flexible and adaptable.


School districts have contingency plans in place to ensure
learning continues, but families must be prepared for potential disruptions in
their normal routines.


We understand how important it is for students to have
stability and routine to best support their learning and overall wellbeing. It
also helps support our operations across the education system ensuring that
teachers can focus on student learning and plan accordingly. That is why once a
school has been affected by strike action, students should be prepared for
sustained home learning.


Should strike action occur at any one of our schools:

The school will use the first day as an
operational day to have teachers and staff prepare for the move to home
learning, similar to the process used during COVID- 19 outbreaks.
Furthermore, as there may not be any notice for
strike action in schools, everyone must be prepared for unannounced early
As access to school buildings will be limited
during this period, it will be important for families to make arrangements with
school staff to gather any essential items left at school as quickly as
Early learning and child-care facilities located
within a school will communicate with parents directly regarding any impacts
that strike action may have on their services.
If only school bus transportation is impacted,
schools will continue to welcome students in-person. However, families will be
responsible for finding alternate means of transportation for students.
Children who benefit from having an educational
assistant will not be able to access services normally received should your
school move to home learning, but plans will be in place to ensure the
continuity of learning for all our students to the greatest extent possible.


While the locals have voted in favour of possible strike
action, it does not necessarily mean strike action will be taken. But, by
preparing in advance and keeping families informed, we hope to give families
plenty of time to plan ahead - including potentially making arrangements for
extended periods of home learning.


More information will be shared with families through the
school districts in the coming days. Please check your school district's
website and social media pages for the most up-to-date information or call them


Thank you for your understanding and continued cooperation
throughout this time.





Dominic Cardy, Minister


20211027 Letter from Minister - Students and Families.pdf

Rollup Image:
Last Printed: 10/27/2021 7:00 PM
News Category: Regular News
Posted: Oct 27 2021, 7:02 PM
Creation: Oct 27 2021, 6:47 PM
CreatedText: Oct 27 2021

Created at 10/27/2021 6:47 PM by jennifer.read
Last modified at 10/27/2021 7:02 PM by jennifer.read
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