District News: Labour Action Update - November 7, 2021

Title: Labour Action Update - November 7, 2021
Body: Hello ASD-W Families,


Thank you for your continued patience and support over the past week. We
know this has not been an easy time for students or their families, nor has it
been easy for our teachers and school staff.


Due to the ongoing CUPE job action, all public schools in ASD-W and
across the province will continue learning from home this coming week. At this
point, learning from home will continue until the CUPE work stoppage is over.


At K-2, your child’s teacher will continue making check-ins
and will be in touch regarding additional home learning kits, homework, or
other virtual and paper-based learning for this coming week. The same will also
apply for some students in Grades 3 to 8, and many of these classes
will connect virtually, wherever possible.  High school students
are expected to follow their regular class schedules online and connect every


We recognize that learning from home presents different challenges in
different households. We hope that your child can engage as much as possible so
that learning and assessment can continue. If you need support with this,
please reach out to the teacher. Your child’s continued learning and
progress are very important and we are looking forward to welcoming them back in




David McTimoney, Superintendent

Rollup Image:
Last Printed: 11/8/2021 10:00 AM
News Category: Regular News
Posted: Nov 08 2021, 9:24 AM
Creation: Nov 08 2021, 9:24 AM
CreatedText: Nov 08 2021

Created at 11/8/2021 9:24 AM by jennifer.read
Last modified at 11/8/2021 9:24 AM by jennifer.read
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