District News: Gibson-Neill Memorial Elementary School Covid-19 Update - December 7, 2021

Title: Gibson-Neill Memorial Elementary School Covid-19 Update - December 7, 2021
Body: December 7, 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians of Gibson-Neill Memorial Elementary

We have assessed the school's Covid-19 situation in collaboration
with Public Health and the Department of Education and Early Childhood

Today we are reaching out to let you know that distance
learning will continue for tomorrow, December 8. 

We are watching the numbers carefully and may need to extend
distance learning if required. We will reassess the situation tomorrow and
notify you of the next steps.

Even though students are not reporting to class in person for a
short while, it is strongly encouraged that anyone who has been identified as a
close contact continues with rapid testing daily and monitors for symptoms. If
symptoms appear or a rapid test shows positive, please stay home and book a test immediately.

Thank you for your continued co-operation as we work through this.



Jay Colpitts, Director of Schools for Covid Response

Rollup Image:
Last Printed: 12/7/2021 2:00 PM
News Category: Regular News
Posted: Dec 07 2021, 1:47 PM
Creation: Dec 07 2021, 1:46 PM
CreatedText: Dec 07 2021

Created at 12/7/2021 1:46 PM by jennifer.read
Last modified at 12/7/2021 1:47 PM by jennifer.read
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