District News: Confirmed Covid-19 Cases at Chipman Elementary & Chipman Forest Avenue Schools - December 14, 2021

Title: Confirmed Covid-19 Cases at Chipman Elementary & Chipman Forest Avenue Schools - December 14, 2021
Body: December 14, 2021


Dear Parents and Guardians of Chipman Elementary School and
Chipman Forest Avenue School,


Today we were informed by Public Health of new Covid-19 cases
at both schools. We are working with Public Health officials to identify any
students and school personnel who may have been in contact with the cases.
Anyone identified as a close contact will receive a letter from Public Health
with specific instructions on what to do next. Your school principal or school
administrator has sent or will be sending this letter shortly. 


All students should continue with distance learning from home, per
the instructions sent in yesterday’s message to families.  


Please remember, if your child is showing any symptoms of
Covid-19, you should:

Register them online for a test by clicking “Get tested” on
the GNB coronavirus website (www.gnb.ca/coronavirus).
Contact Tele-Care 811. The 811 operators will evaluate your
child before sending them for testing.

If you have health-related questions, please write to COVID-19NB@gnb.ca.


Thank you for your continued support as we respond to the




Jay Colpitts, Director of Schools for Covid-19 Response

Rollup Image:
Last Printed: 12/14/2021 2:00 PM
News Category: Regular News
Posted: Dec 14 2021, 1:58 PM
Creation: Dec 14 2021, 1:58 PM
CreatedText: Dec 14 2021

Created at 12/14/2021 1:58 PM by jennifer.read
Last modified at 12/14/2021 1:58 PM by jennifer.read
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