District News: Nashwaaksis Middel School - Learning Update, December 15, 2021

Title: Nashwaaksis Middel School - Learning Update, December 15, 2021
Body: December 15, 2021


Good afternoon families of Nashwaaksis Middle School,


Today we were informed of new Covid-19 cases at the school. We are
working with Public Health officials to identify any students and school
personnel who may have been in contact with the cases.


Please note that in response to the current Covid-19 situation at
the school and for operational and precautionary reasons, all students will
move to distance learning starting tomorrow, December 16. This will
continue until the holiday break begins.


For students in grade 6, the holiday break will begin at the end
of this Friday, December 17, instead of midday next Thursday, December 23, as
initially planned. 


For students in grades 7 and 8, the holiday break will begin at
the end of the day next Tuesday, December 21. This change was announced
today by Minister Dominic Cardy.


Students are asked to follow their regular schedules online via
Teams during this time unless otherwise instructed by their teachers.


Please remember, even though they are not
reporting to class in person at this time, all students are required to
continue with rapid testing daily and monitor for symptoms. If symptoms appear
or a rapid test shows positive, please stay home and book a test immediately.


Thank you for your continued cooperation as we navigate the


David McTimoney,


Superintendent of Schools, Anglophone West School District


Rollup Image:
Last Printed: 12/15/2021 6:00 PM
News Category: Regular News
Posted: Dec 15 2021, 5:43 PM
Creation: Dec 15 2021, 5:42 PM
CreatedText: Dec 15 2021

Created at 12/15/2021 5:42 PM by jennifer.read
Last modified at 12/15/2021 5:43 PM by jennifer.read
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