District News: New Covid-19 Cases at Barkers Point Elementary & Priestman Street Elementary Schools - December 16, 2021

Title: New Covid-19 Cases at Barkers Point Elementary & Priestman Street Elementary Schools - December 16, 2021
Body: December
16, 2021


Parents and Guardians of Barkers Point Elementary School and Priestman Street
Elementary School,


Today we
were informed of a new Covid-19 case at both schools.


As per the
new Public Health guidelines, all students in K-8 schools with a confirmed
Covid-19 case are required to do daily rapid testing and monitor for
symptoms. If one symptom appears or a rapid test shows positive, please stay
home and book a test immediately. Your
school principals have sent a letter from Public Health with detailed
instructions on rapid testing.


should plan to attend school tomorrow unless they have a positive test or are


Thank you
for your continued support as we respond to the pandemic.




Colpitts, Director of Schools for Covid-19 Response

Rollup Image:
Last Printed: 12/16/2021 8:00 PM
News Category: Regular News
Posted: Dec 16 2021, 8:00 PM
Creation: Dec 16 2021, 8:00 PM
CreatedText: Dec 16 2021

Created at 12/16/2021 8:00 PM by jennifer.read
Last modified at 12/16/2021 8:00 PM by jennifer.read
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