District News: Four School Closures on February 11 Due to Planned Demonstration in Fredericton Downtown Core

Title: Four School Closures on February 11 Due to Planned Demonstration in Fredericton Downtown Core
Body: February 10, 2022


Dear Parents and Guardians of
Connaught Street Elementary School, Priestman Street Elementary School,
Montgomery Street Elementary School and George Street Middle School,


As you may be aware, there is a
planned demonstration in the Fredericton downtown core and surrounding the
legislative buildings starting tomorrow, Friday, February 11. The protest aims
to impact traffic and can also impact schools and school bus routes. With the
possibility of disruption, and to keep things simple for families, nearby
schools - Connaught Street Elementary School, Priestman Street Elementary
School, Montgomery Street Elementary School and George Street Middle School -
will be closed tomorrow and there will be no expectation for student learning.


We will continue to monitor the
situation over the weekend and communicate with families if there are any
additional impacts.


Thank you for your continued
patience and support.




David McTimoney, Superintendent,

Rollup Image:
Last Printed: 2/10/2022 1:00 PM
News Category: Regular News
Posted: Feb 10 2022, 12:16 PM
Creation: Feb 10 2022, 12:16 PM
CreatedText: Feb 10 2022

Created at 2/10/2022 12:16 PM by jennifer.read
Last modified at 2/10/2022 12:16 PM by jennifer.read
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