Posts: School Fundraiser

9/22/2017 2:20 PM by sparrchr

Update: October 2, 2017

Don't forget that this is the last full week for our Big Box of Cards fundraiser. All orders and money are due on Tuesday, Oct. 10. The box of cards that students took home to show their customers only needs to be returned to the school if your child didn't sell any boxes at all.  If they sold even one box, this box can be given to one of their customers who placed an order.  ALL ORDERS NEED TO BE WRITTEN ON THE ORDER FORM AND PAID FOR (including the order that was filled with the sample box). If you have any questions, please call the school and leave a message for Mrs. Hitchcock. Thank you very much for your support with this new fundraiser.  


New to our school this year, the Big Box of Cards is a set of 33 All Occasion cards for the low price of $33. That's only $1 per card, cheaper than the Dollar Store!  Our campaign runs from Friday, September 22nd to Tuesday October 10th.Each family will be provided with a starter box of cards and each student gets an order form. Payment for all boxes sold is to be made when orders are placed. All order forms and payments should be returned on or before Tuesday October 10th.The starter box must be returned only if you are not ordering any boxes, otherwise keep it and you will deliver it to one of your customers so please keep it in good shape. Returned boxes must contain all 33 cards.Please make cheques payable to " Centreville Community School"Don't forget our amazing prizes!!The top selling class wins a class pizza party. For every three boxes of cards your child sells, their name will be placed in a draw to win one of four $25 gift cards! Mr. Robinson has issued a challenge that the Middle School will sell more than the 3-5's or K-2's put together. Any questions, please call the school and leave a message for Mrs. Hitchcock.  


Category: School News
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