Posts: PSST World Goes Live- Launch Date: February 5th

2/6/2018 8:24 AM by sparrchr

ASD-W is proud to announce its new partnership with PSSTWorld,
launching a cutting-edge school safety program into
district schools. The PSSTWorld program is based on a proven 5-year
pilot project designed by international safety expert, Theresa Campbell, in
Surrey, BC. The program encourages student participation as a core factor in
the improvement of school safety and culture. To become familiar with the PSSTWorld
program, please visit:



At the site, students have
a popularized venue to report safety concerns—whether seen,


heard or
experienced—directly & anonymously to school district safety staff. Tips
and reports regarding bullying, cyberbullying, abuse, sex/drug/weapons/gang
crime, suicidal thoughts,


vandalism and even
potential for school attack are sent directly to district safety officials. The
result is an improved potential for early conflict prevention, intervention and
efficient resolution. Bystander and victimized students are empowered to act.
Student offenders are deterred. Students, staff, administration and caregivers
now have a safe (anonymous, if necessary), organized and popularized mode of
action for reporting dangerous school incidents and concerns.



Speak to your children
about the importance of respecting themselves and others. Make sure to explain
the key difference between “telling” and “tattling” and the purpose of the tool
is to get themselves or their friends OUT of trouble and not IN to trouble.
Encourage your kids to talk to you about problems at school and be sure that
they know they can now easily report safety concerns.



Together, we can minimize
all forms of bullying, abuse and violence in our schools.

Category: School News
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