Posts: Around the World YoYo Fundraiser!

10/19/2018 10:05 AM by sparrchr

From October 18 –October 23 yoyos will be available
for students to purchase. There are three types of high quality yoyos in a
variety of colors. Please note that there has been a change in the $15 yoyo
that was stated on the order form. What has replaced it is the Fireball Yoyo
at the same quality and price. Students have taken home an order form. You can
order through School Cash Online or send your order and money back into the school.
Cheques should be made out to Centreville Community School. A percentage of the
sales will be donated back to our school to support student initiatives.

***Please Note - Due to
higher than anticipated demand our $20.00 One Yo-yo and $10 ProYo Yoyo
are sold out. There are a few $15 Fireball Yoyo’s remaining. However,
another order will be placed should there be demand. Students will need to
pre-order and pay upfront at the office. Final day for students to purchase or
place orders is Tuesday, October 23rd.”

Category: School News
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