Posts: Thought Exchange - Available until April 5th

3/25/2019 10:06 AM by sparrchr

West School District is currently investigating how to strengthen our
communication with stakeholders, schools, and families. As we work toward improvement, we would
like to hear your thoughts on the best methods for communication and any ideas or improvements
regarding our current practice you would like to suggest.

The question:  What are the best methods your school
and district use to communicate with parents and staff?  What improvements
would you like to suggest?


Your thoughts will be shared exactly as you enter them and
will be seen by other participants.  Your identity will be
confidential.  As
with the first Exchange, please be polite and respectful as you share and rate
thoughts. If you see thoughts that are rude, hurtful, or identify a person or a
group of people, you can remove them by clicking in the upper right corner of
the thought.


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Category: School News
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