Posts: Kindergarten Registration

10/8/2020 8:04 AM by Christopher.Sparrow

Kindergarten Registration will take place at CCS between October 13-23, 2020
for children who will turn five by December 31, 2021 and who start school in
September 2021. Due to COVID 19 restrictions, parents are encouraged to
register their child for kindergarten online. Go to . Go under parents and click on Kindergarten. Online
registration will be available starting October 13, 2020. Once you have completed
the online registration form, we will contact you for a follow-up scheduled
appointment to complete your child’s registration. If you are unable to register
your child for kindergarten online, please reach out to our school at 276-4000
to schedule an appointment to register your child. When you come in to
complete the registration for your child, you will need a copy of their Birth
Certificate, Medicare and Immunization.
Be sure to register your child between October 13-23, and you will receive
information and invitations for activities to support your child’s learning.
We look forward to welcoming your child to kindergarten!

Category: School News
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