Posts: Gene Researcher for a Week program

12/14/2016 11:38 AM by Jennifer.Acott

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research - Institute of Genetics, Gene Researcher for a Week program (GRFAW) application is open until December 31, 2016; applicants must be 16 years old by January 1, 2017. Teachers' reference letters must be submitted by January 9, 2017.

For more information visit,

The opportunity for a hands-on learning experience in the field of genetic research. Students gain insight into the world of genetic diseases by observation and are often provided the opportunity of conducting real, hands-on scientific experiments (i.e. DNA isolation, PCTR, gel electrophoresis, SDS-PAGE, Western blotting, cell culture and ELISA assays). Participants may also learn how genes cause human genetic disorders and how top scientists translate these findings into treatments and cures for genetic diseases.

2. The opportunity to work in one of Canada's top genetic research laboratories. These students are placed in labs of influential Canadian scientists for one week over Spring Break. This experience gives young students what many have called "a life changing experience". The GRFAW mentoring program is a great opportunity for young scientists to learn about human genetics research and connect with some Canada's best researchers.

3. The opportunity develop a network of high potential peers. Student gene researchers are bright, talented and highly motivated individuals. By participating in the program, they will have an opportunity to meet people in their host lab and institution. Some labs will host more than one student, providing a further opportunity to network with other students.

4. The unique opportunity to learn about the many exciting career paths in science and genetics

Category: Guidance News; School News
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