Posts: March 3 Middle School & High School Field Trip

2/29/2016 8:23 PM by mabiesus

Field Trip March 3, 2016 - Curently we are planning to go to Crabbe Mountain /Curling on Thursday.  The weather has made planning a ski trip difficult.  The Ski School Program will notify us of conditions and should we need to change our plans due to poor ski conditions, all students grades 6-9 will have a trip March 3rd which will be a curling lesson and time for practice, an hour at the new Ayr Motor Centre, lunch and an hour of bowling as part of PE.  Grades 10-12 will go on an alternate trip at a later date. Should we need to change our plans, a voice mail will be sent Thursday morning so students can accordingly prepare for the day.  Also, an alternate field trip permission slip will be sent home tomorrow with all students grades 6-9 in the event we need to change the current trips.

Category: Featured News for Special Events
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