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May 10
Today's Learning Ideas


Add a prefix or a suffix to change the meaning of the root words listed below.  You can create three columns.  First column- Prefix.  Second- Root Word. Third- Suffix
Choose one word for each root word to write in a complete sentence.


friend, port, build, team, farm, listen, love, hand, governor, marine

Below is a poetry pack.  Students can read over the pack and try some of the exercises.  Next, students can write their own poems at home and bring them to school to share. 




Below is a website that explores Force and Motion.  Students are invited to explore this webpage.



Listen to the radio in French or watch a French television show. 

Social Studies


Ancient Civilizations.docxAncient Civilizations.docx

As we continue to explore ancient societies, students are invited to read over the notes and make connections to what they already know about the past.  We will continue to explore ancient civilizations in class.  If possible students can use the internet at home to create a list of ancient civilizations and see if they can find them on the map. 



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