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WEC Donald Fraser Memorial School > Learning Resources
April 07
Grade 3-5 Math

Mental Math:

Spend 10 minutes each day playing a game from your child’s GYGO (Get Your Game On) folder.  These were brought home in December.  They have several games that focus on the essential mental math skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  Each game has a description of how to play and how to modify the rules to change the difficulty of the game.


This is a great learning tool that allows uses interactive games to provide a fun way for students to learn and practice their math skills.  Some great features of this:

·        It can be played on any computer/tablet/phone with internet capabilities.  Just download the app or go to Sumdog.com

·        Students username and password are on a sticker on the front of their agenda.

·        I have set the questions/skills so that they are working on the concepts that they were leaning when school was shut down.

·        I can adjust their questions as they progress and learn new concepts.

·        Instant feedback.

·        I can track their progress: What questions they are getting correct, incorrect, how much time they are spending on it.

·        It is interactive, so they can play against their friends/classmates.

·        They make “virtual” coins when they answer questions correctly that they can spend in their “house” or “buy” gifts for their friends with.

Playing mental math games and using Sumdog is a great way to continue with your child’s learning this week. 

In the coming weeks, I hope to support you with further resources as best I can.

Below is a link to a math brochure that provides more resources that may help you.  It also provides a “Big Ideas in Math”.  This gives you a good idea of the concepts we have been learning this year and hope to continue to learn.

Parent Guide for Grade 3 Math https://www2.gnb.ca/content/dam/gnb/Departments/ed/pdf/K12/curric/Math/MathParentBrochure-Grade3.pdf

Parent Guide for Grade 4 Math https://www2.gnb.ca/content/dam/gnb/Departments/ed/pdf/K12/curric/Math/MathParentBrochure-Grade4.pdf

Parent Guide for Grade 5 Math https://www2.gnb.ca/content/dam/gnb/Departments/ed/pdf/K12/curric/Math/MathParentBrochure-Grade5.pdf​

April 07
Science Gr 3-4

Grade 3 & 4 Science- Ms. Harrison

Learning Activities:  Spring has arrived, and you will be seeing several birds returning to your backyards.  Your challenge this week is to try to identify the birds you observe and record the type of bird as well as one interesting fact you learn from the Backyard Birding Guide.

You can use this guide as a tool for bird identification during your exploration.  The guide will provide a description, call/sound each bird makes, and its preferred habitat (place to live).  On the last page of the guide, you will find a checklist for other common New Brunswick birds.  Check off or record all the birds you observe this week!

Open this link to access the Backyard Birding Guide.



Trivia:   Which bird was proclaimed New Brunswick’s provincial bird in 1983?

Which birds do not migrate (move from one habitat to another according to seasons) from New Brunswick?

Extension Activity:  Create a bird feeder with items from around your home and take a picture and post it on our Donald Fraser Facebook page.


Amazon.com: Backyard Birds of New Brunswick, Canada Field Guide ... 


April 06
Test 3
April 06
Test K
April 06
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