Posts: Character Strong- Respect

11/1/2020 9:12 PM by sarah.mahar

For the
month of November we are focusing on the character trait of Respect at FES. The
definition we are using is: Seeing the good in people and things (and
treating them with care).
Learning to respect one another often involves
learning more about other people and understanding who they are. Respect is
also about how we speak and treat one another and ourselves. We will be
celebrating Diversity and Respect Week later in November.




with your child about what it means to be respectful, to be courteous and to
use their manners, to solve conflict peacefully, and what it means to treat
others the way they want to be treated.


about a time you felt disrespected and what you did about it in a way that demonstrated


Respect means making others see good in people and making people feel cared
for, how do we already show Respect at home? How can we do a better job showing
Respect as both kids and adults?


Respect can look and sound
different depending on one’s culture, but it feels
consistent across communities. Discuss with your child what it feels like to be
respected. How does your community show Respect? Be sure to be specific! You
can reinforce respectful behaviors by naming them explicitly such as, “I see
your Respect when you wait your turn to speak” or, “I feel respected when you
ask me how I’m doing.”



Here are a couple of story books that talk about RESPECT
that you can check out with your family:


The Colors of Us by Karen Katz
(Take a walk with Lena and her mom to see and
discuss the different colors and shades in our skin tone)


TheGolden Rule by Ilene Cooper (Learn about all
of the different cultures and world religions that have their own version of
The Golden Rule.)





do “good manners” look like in our family? How does using good manners show


does it feel to be respected? How does it feel to be disrespected? Who are the
most respectful people you know?


it easier or harder to Respect someone who is very different from us? Why?


do I do that makes you feel respected? How else does that make you feel?




Respect Challenge: A Recipe for Respect


To show Respect for diversity and
to celebrate other cultures and their customs, research a traditional recipe
for your family to try from your own culture or from another culture that you
know exists in your community. Make that dish and share with your family about
its background and its significance.

Category: School News
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