Posts: Character Strong May- Cooperation

5/4/2021 9:27 AM by

month we are talking about Cooperation! Cooperation is about making sure we
know how to be on a team or work in a group towards a common goal. Here is the
definition we are using for cooperation: Working
together and helping others.
We want young
people to know how to work hard on their own. But, just as important, we want
them to know what it looks like to be a part of a really supportive, helpful,
empowering team. We will be thinking about the skills needed to work together
well and how each of us contributes to a group in big and small ways. We will
think about our strengths and our areas of growth. We will take part in fun
challenges to put our teamwork to the test and grow, together, toward the
common goal of a more helpful, kind, cooperative world!




Ø  What are some activities
where it’s easy for you to practice Cooperation? Which activities make it
difficult? Why do you think that is?


Ø  When we are working with
others, it can be tough when a teammate is not cooperating. How do you deal
with that frustration? What can you say to the teammate to tell them how you


Ø  Talk about a time when
you worked on a really effective team. What were the ingredients? What did you
contribute? How did they help you?




Here are a few books that you can read or listen to about


Frankie by Mary Sullivan

Frankie, the dog, was so excited to be adopted into a new family. When he gets
to his new home, he meets Nico. Nico has lived here for a while. See how Nico
and Frankie learn to be friends.


Swimmy by Leo Lionni

The tale of a little fish who finds his purpose when he discovers the need to
work together


Code 7: Cracking the Code for an Epic Life by
Bryan R Johnson

Throughout the book, each character learns an important lesson about themselves
when faced with a challenge. At the end of the book, you are left with 7 code
words from each character’s story that can help to make a life epic! Working
together to accomplish a goal takes teamwork and Cooperation.


Goal! by Mina Javaherbin

In a dusty township in South Africa, Ajani and his friends have earned a
brand-new, federation-size soccer ball. They kick. They dribble. They run. They
score. These clever boys are football champions! But when a crew of bullies
tries to steal their ball, will Ajani and his friends be able to beat them at
their own game?




a household, brainstorm a list of chores that help keep the home in order. What
are some things that would really make the home feel more peaceful, beautiful,
or inspiring? After brainstorming, each person chooses a role to help tidy or
decorate the home. Throw on some music that everyone enjoys and get to work
beautifying your home. Better yet, make it a game! Have points associated with
how quickly (and how quality) each person can clean each thing. Keep track of
the score and have a prize waiting for the Clean Up Champion.


Here are some links to articles that you can read about fostering
cooperation in your child:


5 SimpleYet Powerful Ways To Get Kids To Cooperate by Erin Leyba


5 WaysTo Encourage Cooperation by Susan Brunk

Category: School News
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