Posts: News for the new year!

9/4/2015 1:18 PM by julie.kilcollins

We are looking forward to seeing our students on our first day, Tuesday, September 8th! We will welcome students at the doors and help them find their homeroom class that morning. Which class they are in is a surprise for all students until that day!

We will have cafeteria service starting Tuesday, so students may choose to bring a bucket or money for hot lunch. There will be fewer options this week than there will be once we are in full swing; we will send out menu information in the coming weeks.  Remember: FMS is nut free so please be mindful of that when packing buckets.  We are also scent free so please use unscented products before coming to school and leave all perfumes and scented deodorants at home.
Our instructional day is starting a little later this year with the warning bell ringing at 8:25.  Students are asked not to arrive to the building until after 8:00am. Those who arrive at 8:00 will wait in the cafeteria until 8:10. (The exception is the first day of school) The first buses will leave the yard starting at about 2:55.  The changes in busing this year will slightly affect the time students arrive home, but there are few if any changes to the morning run. Don't worry about their evening bus at this point; we will sort it all out next Tuesday and we will be sure to get them home!
An important date to note in your calendar: our Meet the Staff night will take place next Wednesday, September 9th here in our gym starting at 6:00 pm. This is a chance to meet the staff and we will also be having our PSSC election. We will need additional officers elected to this very important committee so please be ready to nominate someone, potentially yourself!
Students who have not yet paid are asked to bring their student fee or a portion of it on Tuesday. Remember the $55 fee includes all school supplies except for a bookbag, Phys Ed clothes and bucket. All students need to bring Tuesday is their lunch or lunch money, their listening ears and smiles!
We are looking forward to a great start up!

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