Posts: School Connects Message Sent September 28

9/28/2015 2:07 PM by julie.kilcollins

Firstly, today is the first day of Safe Schools Week. Although we are constantly addressing safety as a priority at FMS, this week gives us a special focus on issues related to safety at FMS and beyond.  We will be reviewing and practicing each of our safety drills as well as providing students with safety tips on the announcements each morning. In order for our emergency-response plans to be effective, we depend on the cooperation and assistance of many people, such as the police and the fire department. We also depend on you, as parents, to support our disaster-response efforts. Your cooperation is vital to help us protect the safety and welfare of all children and school employees.  Please read the attached letter or if you are not receiving this message as email, read the Safety letter on our website to read about specific expectations we have of parents and guardians in the event of an emergency here at the school. We thank you in advance for your taking the time to read this letter and make safety a priority.

The second message is about an opportunity members of the parent/guardian community have in adding their voices to New Brunswick's Education Future.  As the government gets ready to develop its 10-Year Education Plan, they are seeking your input. There will be an Open House hosted here at FMS for parents to add their voice.  The poster is attached. Please share this information throughout the community.
Parent Cooperation during Emergency Letter Sept 2015 Signed.pdf
10 Year Education Plan poster for FMS.docx

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