Posts: School Update - COVID 19

3/15/2020 11:55 AM by kayla.giesecke

As you are aware, schools are now closed for two weeks.  At this time, we are not able to permit staff or students to enter the building.  Custodians are the only people permitted in the buidling.  If this directive chnages, we will notify parents/guardians and students via the school website and an email/voicemail.  We do apologize for the inconvenience. 

In addition, currently schools do not need to send work home for students, however this directive could change as we all go through this new experience.  I know that some teachers have students with work to complete, or work that was already assigned before schools closed. 

We are all hopeful that this closure will help reduce the risk of spreading this virus more than it already has.  Stay home and stay safe everyone!


Staff of Harold Peterson Middle School


Category: Featured News for Special Events; School News
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