
​Website Administration Page
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  Notice: LINKS are not ready yet until I delete this line!

Website Click here
​How-to & Hints


Click here to add or edit a School NEWS item

Hint #1: Try to keep the entire news item SHORT.  If there is a lot of text you may be better off by placing it into a separate .pdf file and adding as an attachment.
​Hint#2: Resize any images that you insert so they don't take up too much space. 
Hint #3: You can also post news directly using Microsoft Word if you have it set up properly.
Hint #4: You can EMAIL news directly using this address:

Click here to add or edit a Calendar EVENT​

Hint: Click on "Add new event" or you can also click on the TITLE of an event to EDIT it.

Click here to add or edit a DOCUMENT
 (Newsletters, etc.)​

Be sure to select correct category!
Hint: CHOOSE a CATEGORY (doing so will automatically place the document(s) on the correct pages. PDF files are best format for placing documents online.  You can easily convert Micr​osoft Word documents by clicking on FILE->SAVE AS, then choose the .pdf format.
Click on this link for more .pdf instructions.

​Click here to add or edit a STAFF member

​Hint: Ensure that you use fill in the "Category", "Position", etc. columns to the best of your ability. 
Refer to others as examples.

​​Click here to add or remove a VIDEO
​Hint: You can change the default Video thumbnail by using this address in the "Add thumbnail hyperlink":
(or change color to Red or Green, etc.)
Click here to add or remove a picture in the

Try resizing the image prior to uploading. 
Create a new folder.

Click here to add or remove a picture to the

Hint: Try resizing the image prior to uploading. 
This slideshow is for the pictures you really want to highlight.

Click here to add or edit NEWS
Hint #1: Try to keep the entire news item SHORT.  If there is a lot of text you may be better off by placing it into a separate .pdf file and adding as an attachment.
​Hint#2: Resize any images that you insert so they don't take up too much space. 
Hint #3: You can also post news directly using Microsoft Word if you have it set up properly.
Hint #4: You can EMAIL news directly using this address:

Click here to add or edit NEWS

Hint #1: Try to keep the entire news item SHORT.  If there is a lot of text you may be better off by placing it into a separate .pdf file and adding as an attachment.
​Hint#2: Resize any images that you insert so they don't take up too much space. 
Hint #3: You can also post news directly using Microsoft Word if you have it set up properly.
Hint #4: You can EMAIL news directly using this address:
​ ​
Notice ~ Items below are rarely used ~       

Hint: Please don't delete anyone, just edit the current member's name and year.
Click here to add or edit a PSSC NEWS Announcement.
Hint: Click on "Add New Announcement"

Please don't delete anyone, just edit the current member's name and year.

Click here to add or edit a Home & School NEWS Announcement.

Click on "Add New Item"
​ or click on the Title to edit an item​

​Click here to edit the
Daily Schedule
Hint: Click on "Add New Item"​ or click on the Title to edit an item