Click here to add or edit a School NEWS item |
Hint #1: Try to keep the entire news item SHORT. If there is a lot of text you may be better off by placing it into a separate .pdf file and adding as an attachment. Hint#2: Resize any images that you insert so they don't take up too much space. Hint #3: You can also post news directly using Microsoft Word if you have it set up properly. Hint #4: You can EMAIL news directly using this address: Keswickvalleymemorialschool-News@nbed.net |
Click here to add or edit a Calendar EVENT |
Hint: Click on "Add new event" or you can also click on the TITLE of an event to EDIT it.
Click here to add or edit a DOCUMENT (Newsletters, etc.) Be sure to select correct category! |
. Hint: CHOOSE a CATEGORY (doing so will automatically place the document(s) on the correct pages. PDF files are best format for placing documents online. You can easily convert Microsoft Word documents by clicking on FILE->SAVE AS, then choose the .pdf format. Click on this link for more .pdf instructions. |
Click here to add or edit a STAFF member |
Hint: Ensure that you use fill in the "Category", "Position", etc. columns to the best of your ability.
Refer to others as examples. |
Click here to add or remove a VIDEO |
Hint: You can change the default Video thumbnail by using this address in the "Add thumbnail hyperlink": /sites/ASD-W/ssimages/Video-Icon-Blue.png (or change color to Red or Green, etc.) |
Click here to add or remove a picture in the PICTURE GALLERY |
Hint: Try resizing the image prior to uploading. Create a new folder.
Click here to add or remove a picture to the SLIDESHOW |
Hint: Try resizing the image prior to uploading. This slideshow is for the pictures you really want to highlight. |
Click here to add or edit NEWS to the SPORTS BLOG |
Hint #1: Try to keep the entire news item SHORT. If there is a lot of text you may be better off by placing it into a separate .pdf file and adding as an attachment. Hint#2: Resize any images that you insert so they don't take up too much space. Hint #3: You can also post news directly using Microsoft Word if you have it set up properly. Hint #4: You can EMAIL news directly using this address: Keswickvalleymemorialschool-Sports@nbed.net |
Click here to add or edit NEWS to the CLUBS BLOG |
Hint #1: Try to keep the entire news item SHORT. If there is a lot of text you may be better off by placing it into a separate .pdf file and adding as an attachment. Hint#2: Resize any images that you insert so they don't take up too much space. Hint #3: You can also post news directly using Microsoft Word if you have it set up properly. Hint #4: You can EMAIL news directly using this address: Keswickvalleymemorialschool-Clubs@nbed.net
Notice ~ Items below are rarely used ~ |
Hint: Please don't delete anyone, just edit the current member's name and year. |
Click here to add or edit a PSSC NEWS Announcement. |
Hint: Click on "Add New Announcement" |
Hint: Please don't delete anyone, just edit the current member's name and year. |
Click here to add or edit a Home & School NEWS Announcement. |
Hint: Click on "Add New Item" or click on the Title to edit an item |
Click here to edit the Daily Schedule |
Hint: Click on "Add New Item" or click on the Title to edit an item |