FEC McAdam Avenue School > School News > Posts > March Break
March 02
March Break
Hello MAS families! I want to say “Thank You” to all those parents/grandparents that were able to come out to Willie O’Ree on Thursday to help with skating. Also thank you to those that were able to lend skates and helmets so all students had the opportunity to join in the fun. It is wonderful to have so many supportive families.
Dr. Seuss Winter Fun Week- We had a great week of fun activities! Please check out our twitter feed for photos and recap of the week! We finished off the week with green eggs and ham for breakfast. I think a few students were surprised they actually liked them. We had our LHHS clubs and then a special visit from our District Literacy Coordinator who shared the story behind the writing of ‘Cat in the Hat’ by Dr. Seuss by reading the book “Imagine That”.
Books- We are cleaning up our library and discarding some books. Your child may have brought home a handful of books. These are for them to keep. After the break we may have more books available to choose from and families will be invited in again to take a look.
Food Drive- Thank you for all your donations to the foodbank. Your kindness is appreciated. The food has been delivered to the Fredericton Community Kitchen.
Upcoming Important Dates:
March 5-9- MARCH BREAK.
March 12- Hot lunch forms go home. MAD Science session 3. 
March 15- Year Book order forms due
March 16- UNB Hockey game for students in grades 3-5
March 17- Happy St. Patrick’s Day
March 19- Home and School Meeting 6pm
March 20- ASD-W STEAM Expo in Woodstock
March 22- Grades 2 and 5 visit York Care. April Hot Lunch order forms are due.
March 23- Gr 3-5 to attend NB Junior Orchestra performance at LHHS.
March 27- Full day PL for Teachers. NO school for students.
Have a wonderful and relaxing March Break! If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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