Posts: Week at a Glance May 31-June 4

5/28/2021 2:19 PM by roxanne.yerxa

Hello MAS families. Here comes June! The last month of the
school year. We have lots of excitement planned to keep students engaged in
learning and having fun throughout the month. This week we had some new
arrivals to the school. Our grade 1/2s butterflies have emerged! This is very
exciting. We will have a release day outside where the students will get to
watch them join their natural habitat. Our kindergarten class has been keeping
a close eye on the chicken eggs in their room. I think soon we will be adding a
few chickens to our school population.


Information Items-


Intergenerational Day in Canada June 1st- Intergenerational
Day Canada was initiated in 2010 across Canada as a day to recognize and
celebrate the importance of respectful intergenerational relationships across
our country. Children/youth and seniors coming purposefully together improves
mental health of all involved, defeats ageist attitudes, builds empathy and
empowers both generations within all-age-friendly communities. On June 1st
we will walk to York Care and parade around the outside of the building waving
to our friends. We will also be making cards to be given to York Care


Kindergarten Orientation- This will continue again
this week on Wednesday, June 2nd. Our pre-Ks will be visiting one at
a time to see the classroom, take a tour of the school, and moms/dads/guardians
will get to meet with Mrs Burnett to answer any questions they may have. If you
have  pre K coming in the fall, please be sure to sign up for orientation
by clicking on the link. We can’t wait to meet them!


Yearbooks- Year book order forms will be coming home
today and are also attached to this email! We have one week to get our orders
placed, so they come in before school is out. You will find the link on schoolcash
online. (Grade 5 yearbooks have been ordered already) 


Virtual Drama Festival- For those that may not have
gotten a chance to watch our drama production, please see the attached link. TheGruffalo by MAS Drama


Student Appreciation Day- On June 9th we
will be celebrating our STUDENTS and showing them how much we appreciate all
that they do, have done, and will do! Students will share in classroom
breakfast, and outdoor fun activities throughout the morning.


This week:


Monday, May 31-


Tuesday, June 1- Hot lunch- Great Canadian Bagel. York Care


Wednesday, June 2- Pre-K Orientation


Thursday, June 3- Grade 5s Last swim day.


Friday, June 4- Hot lunch- Papa John’s. Yearbook Orders due.

Upcoming Dates-
June 9- Student appreciation day.
June 15- Last Home and School and PSSC meeting
June 16- Grade 5 Evening with staff (more info to come)
June 18- Grade 5 Year End Trip to Clay Café and Sports Hall
of Fame
June 20- Happy Father’s Day
June 22- K-5 Field Fun Day (rain date June 24)
June 23- Grade 5 Celebration 10:30am in the gymnasium
June 25- Last day of school

Have a great weekend. If you have any questions or concerns
please do not hesitate to ask.

BA, BEd, Med
Avenue School
School District West
If a child can’t learn the way you teach, then teach in a way so that
the child can learn.  ~Unknown.

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