Posts: Week at a Glance June 7-11

6/4/2021 2:50 PM by roxanne.yerxa

Hello MAS families. We have had a great week here at MAS! I
cannot truly put into words how much joy was seen on the residents of York
Care’s faces as the students walked around waving and yelling hellos. It was
beyond touching and meaningful for all involved.



We also saw our wonderful butterflies take flight and join
us on the playground. It was an exciting and proud moment as they were


News to Share- I would like to share with you that I
have been offered and accepted the Principal position at Forest Hill Elementary
School which will begin in the 2021 -2022 school year. I cannot say enough of
how blessed I have been to be a part of such a great school community and been
able to serve all of your children for the past 4 years.  I value each and
every one of you and how supportive you have been of me and my
leadership.  This was not an easy decision and while I am reluctant and
sad to leave this school, I am doing what I encourage others to do and taking a
chance on a new opportunity and experience. We have three wonderful weeks left
in the school year and I am looking forward to finishing strong, supporting
teachers and student learning, having lots of fun, and promise to ensure the
person who replaces me knows about the many wonderful things that are happening
here and the small but mighty school they will becoming a part of. 


Information Items-


Student Appreciation Day- On June 9th we
will be celebrating our STUDENTS and showing them how much we appreciate all
that they do, have done, and will do! Students will share in classroom
breakfast, and outdoor fun activities throughout the morning. We ask that they
wear their classroom color that day. K-Blue, 1/2B- Green, 1/2F- Purple, 3/4-
Yellow, 5- Red.


K-2 Field Trip- Science East. On Monday, June 14th
our K-2 classes will be travelling by bus to Science East for a field trip.


Grade 5 Year End- Lots happening for our Grade 5s as
we celebrate their last few weeks at MAS. On Friday, June 18th
they will visit Clay café and then the NB Sports Hall of fame. They will return
to school for a pizza party. On Wednesday, June 16th we will
host them for the afternoon for lunch and a movie with staff. On Wednesday,
June 23rd
we will celebrate their success and time here at MAS.


Grade 3/4 Field Trip- still in planning phase. We will
update once we have confirmation.


This week:


Monday, June 7-  


Tuesday, June 8- Hot lunch- Great Canadian Bagel.


Wednesday, June 9- Student Appreciation Day!!! Wear your
class color!


Thursday, June 10-


Friday, June 11- Hot lunch- Papa John’s.

Upcoming Dates-
June 14- Science East K-2
June 15- Last Home and School and PSSC meeting
June 16- Grade 5 lunch with staff (more info to come)
June 18- Grade 5 Year End Trip to Clay Café and Sports Hall
of Fame
June 20- Happy Father’s Day
June 22- K-5 Field Fun Day (rain date June 24)
June 23- Grade 5 Celebration 10:30am outside. (If rain there
will be an alternate plan)
June 25- Last day of school. Report Cards go home.
Have a great weekend! If you have any questions or concerns,
please do not hesitate to reach out.
BA, BEd, Med
Avenue School
School District West
If a child can’t learn the way you teach, then teach in a way so that
the child can learn.  ~Unknown.

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