Posts: Week at a Glance June 21-25

6/18/2021 3:04 PM by roxanne.yerxa

Hello MAS families! It is beyond hard to believe that we are
starting the final week of the school year. We have seen lots of changes from a
normal year, but I can guarantee we still had a great year of lots of learning,
laughs, friendship, and FUN! But it’s not over yet- we have lots of excitement
planned this week!


Staffing Announcement- I wanted to share that we have
two staff members that have an exciting change coming to them next year. Mrs
Tingley and Ms Bush have accepted new positions at other schools for the school
year of 2021-2022. They are excited for this opportunity and experience.
 They have expressed how much they will miss the MAS school community, but
we want to wish them all the best!  We are also excited to share that Mme
Fournier will be staying at MAS for the 2021-2022 school year. We are grateful
to be able to keep her as one of our own for the upcoming year. Parents please
feel free to share this news with your child.


Information Items-


National Indigenous Peoples Day- Monday June, 21st
 is a day to celebrate First Nations, Inuit, and Metis peoples across
Turtle Island (North America). First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples have
distinct cultures, languages, practices, and beliefs. It is important to
recognize that even though we have many similarities, we are unique from one
another. Indigenous peoples have historically celebrated their culture and
history on or near this day as summer solstice is the longest day of the year


Grade 3/4 Field Trip- On Monday, June 21st
they will be going to Get Active on the company bus at 9:30am. They will
participate in fun activities like Go kart track, lazer tag battle, obstacle
course, swing, climbing line, etc and lots more fun!


Tie Die T-shirts- Please send in with your child no
later than Monday, a white t-shirt for tie die. We will have a station set
up during our water fun day for t-shirt tie die. These will be sent back home
on Tuesday with instructions and then students are encouraged to wear them on
Friday for the last day of school. T-shirts were on sale at Michaels uptown for
$3.99. If you do not have a t-shirt for your child to use, please contact me as
soon as possible. If you have an extra white t-shirt and would like to donate
to a student who may need one please feel free to send it along.


Water Fun Day- Tuesday, June 22- Come dressed
in water clothes and Hawaiian/summer fun wear for a great full day of fun
activities! We will have stations where students will get wet, so please send
in spare clothing to change into for days end, a plastic bag, and a towel.
Also, we will be outside the majority of the day, so please put sunscreen and
bug spray on your child before something to school. We will reapply after
lunch. Don’t forget a hat and water bottle.


Grade 5 Celebration- Wednesday, June 23rd
at 10:30am we will celebrate our grade 5 students and their success and time
here at MAS. This celebration is scheduled to take place outside in front
driveway, so please be patient for pick up on that day.


Last Day of School- Friday will be the last day of
school for students. Report cards will be issued at the end of the day.


Last Week of School


Monday, June 21-  Grade ¾ Field Trip


Tuesday, June 22- K-5 Field Fun Water Day- Beach
Day/Hawaiian Day Dress. Be sure to wear water clothes, bring a towel, hat and
sun screen. Hot lunch- Great Canadian Bagel.


Wednesday, June 23- Grade 5 Celebration


Thursday, June 24- STAR Student Assembly and Jump Rope for
Heart Pies


Friday, June 25- Last Day of School- Report cards go home. Tie Die T-shirt day!

Upcoming Dates-
August 23- Administrative Assistant back in office
August 30-

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