Posts: Weekly Memo Oct. 17-21

10/14/2022 3:44 PM by roxanne.yerxa

Happy Friday, MAS families. I hope everyone has had a wonderful week so far.
The Cross Country District meet was a lot of fun on Wednesday. We had an
amazing group of runners who showed dedication, perseverance and commitment.
Well done! We have received our total from the Indigo Adopt-A-School campaign,
and I am pleased to announce that over $1600 was raised for books for our
school library. We may even have something special up our sleeves for choosing
the books! Our Java Moose fundraiser was also a hit! The final totals are not
tallied yet, but a preliminary look at order forms shows that it was certainly
successful! We will keep you updated on how much was raised for student
activities. Yesterday, Jenna E from Downtown Optometry came to speak to us for
Children’s Vision Month, and even let us try out some pretty cool glasses and
equipment. This morning, the Multicultural Association of Fredericton presented
to our school which was very fun and inspiring for our students.



Items to note for
this week:

is ADHD Awareness Month! Ms. Simmonds (resource) will be doing
presentations for classes about the superpowers associated with ADHD!
is Safe Schools Week. We will be having a fire drill, bus evacuation,
lockdown and site evacuation.  We will discuss each of these with
students first so they are prepared in every possible way.
October 17 – Internet Safety Presentation by the Fredericton Police Force
for students in grades 4 and 5.
October 18 – Hot lunch orders are due.  Sorry, we are unable to
accommodate late or changed orders.
October 19 – PSSC and Home & School meeting at 6:30 at the school
October 20 – Pancake breakfast provided by Kiwanis with assistance from
our Home & School volunteers.  Pancakes will be delivered to
classrooms and eaten there.
October 20 - Grade 3/4 Coes and 4/5 McCabe to Ducks Unlimited (shout-out
to Home & School for covering costs)



-Monday, Oct. 24 – Picture retakes


-Wednesday, Oct. 26 – A representative from CNIB
(Canadian National Institute for the Blind) will be in to present to our
students and staff about vision differences.


-Thursday, Oct. 27 – Student Voice meeting; STAR
student assembly


-Friday, Oct. 28 – Halloween Howl (6-7:30) –
Volunteers are welcome!  Also, we will be looking for donations for treat
bags.  Please reach out to our lovely Home and School co-chairs if you
would like to volunteer or donate.
(Becky) and


-Monday, Oct. 31 – Halloween Learning Centres

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Christie Jordan

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