Posts: Weekly Memo Nov. 28-Dec. 2

11/25/2022 1:12 PM by roxanne.yerxa

Good afternoon, families. I hope everyone had a wonderful week! We had a
great week here at MAS celebrating Diversity and Respect Week! This week used
to be referred to as “Anti-Bullying” week, but we have broadened the learning
and discussions beyond just anti-bullying in the past few years. Monday, we
played whole-school “Respect” Bingo. Congratulations to Mrs. Belyea’s class for
winning and on your prizes! Tuesday, a few of our Student Leaders did read
alouds around diversity in each classroom and facilitated discussions about the
content in the books. We are very proud of the messages they had for all of our
students! Wednesday was Identity Day! Students loved sharing things with their
classmates to show how they are unique and special. Thursday, we had our
November Star Student assembly. Our school mascot, Star, even made an
appearance! Mrs. LeBlanc, school counselor, spoke to the students about using
our WITS to solve problems, and 2 star student awards were handed out for each
class. Congratulations to all! Today, we will have a read aloud with Mrs.
Jordan on Teams and will have a school discussion about diversity.



StarStudent assembly .jpg 


StudentLeader read alouds.jpg 




Items to note for
this week:


-Last call for bath bomb orders! Please have these into the school by Monday
at the latest. Thank you for supporting a small local business!


-Monday, November 28- Whole school math fact BINGO


-Please return your parent/teacher time requests


-Thursday, Dec. 1 – Report cards issued; your parent/teacher time will be


-Friday, Dec. 2 – NO SCHOOL for students as this is a professional learning
day focused on our School Improvement Plan


-Saturday, Dec. 3 – International Day of Persons with Disabilities


Looking ahead:


-Please refer to the December calendar for upcoming events! I sent home a
paper copy this week, and here is the electronic version:


calendarDec families.docx 


-Just a reminder that we will be collecting clothing donations for the
clothing swap that will take place in the gym during parent/teacher. Feel free
to drop these donations off to the school anytime! Thank you in advance for


-If you’re an entrepreneur and would like to set up a table during
parent/teacher, please reach out to our Home and School co-chairs Becky and
Ashley! Their email addresses are on the form that was sent home. We love
supporting community businesses.

I hope you all have a great weekend!
Mrs. Christie Jordan

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