Posts: Weekly Memo - Dec. 5-9

12/2/2022 11:56 AM by roxanne.yerxa

Happy Friday, MAS community! I hope everyone had a wonderful week. It really
is hard to believe that it is December already! The excitement is in the air
here as we enter the most exciting month of the year! We have lots happening
this month and are looking forward to many special events with our students.



This week, we were very pleased to welcome the Fredericton Community Foundation
on Thursday as they helped our family volunteers prepare breakfast for our
students. We received a grant through this foundation for food and are so
grateful for their support!  On that note, Monday, December 5 is
International Volunteer Day. We have a formal celebration for our volunteers at
the end of the year, but we want to take this opportunity to thank EVERYONE who
volunteers at our school and donates items for events. I have worked at many
schools as a teacher, literacy lead and Admin, and I must say I have not seen
the community support like we have here. Our staff and students are very lucky!


Our wonderful librarian, Janaya Lamkey, has been working hard at getting all
of our new books ready for the shelves in the library. Below you’ll find some
pictures of the books the students chose through our Indigo grant, and we have
more arriving today!


FrederictonCommunity Foundation and Family Volunteers.jpg 










Items to note for
this week:


-Saturday, Dec. 3 – International Day of Persons with Disabilities


-Monday, Dec. 5 – International Volunteer Day


-Thursday, Dec. 8 – Parent/Teacher interviews in the evening; clothing swap
and vendors in the gym


-Friday, Dec. 9 – NO SCHOOL for students; parent/teacher in the morning and
PL for teachers in the afternoon




-Please refer to the December calendar for upcoming events! There is
one change on the calendar for December. Star Student will now be happening on
Friday, Dec. 23 instead of Dec. 22.


-If you need to speak to a staff member or Admin, please email or call to
make an appointment.


-Thank you for reporting symptoms when you are reporting your child(ren)’s
absence. It is very helpful for reporting to Public Health.


-We are still taking clothing donations for the clothing swap this Thursday
and Friday. Thank you to those who have dropped off clothing so far!


-If you are struggling and would like to be added to our food backpack
program, please reach out to Mrs. Yerxa or myself. We are happy to add families
at any time. Backpacks go home with students on Thursdays and all we ask is
that you return the backpack itself so we can repack it weekly. We are able to
offer this because of support from The Community Kitchen.


-Just a reminder that Josh Paul is still looking for donations for food
hampers for our families in need. The last time I checked with him, we still
had 7/10 hampers left to be donated. The cost is $65 and will provide
everything a family needs for Christmas dinner. If you would like more
information or to donate please contact Josh at Thank you SO MUCH
to those who have donated so far! Again, we have the best community.


-As well, Samantha Bell, realtor, will be supporting our students in need by
providing them with a new pair of pajamas before Christmas. If you would like
to donate or would like more information, please contact Samantha at

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
Mrs. Christie Jordan

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