Posts: Weekly Memo - Feb. 27-March 3

2/24/2023 1:40 PM by roxanne.yerxa

Happy Friday, MAS Families!



It has been a great week here at MAS. On Wednesday, we were a “Sea of Pink”
as we recognized Pink Shirt Day. Our assembly was wonderful, and I’d like to
thank Ms. McCabe’s class for the skit teaching us all about being an ‘upstander’.
Ask your child what this means! On Thursday, we had our fifth “Student Voice
Meeting”. Check out the image to see what our students love about our school
and how they think we could improve the school. We discuss their ideas at our
monthly staff meetings and do our best to implement changes based on the
feedback our students give us.


Pinkshirt day picture.jpg 


StudentVoice 5.jpg


Week at a Glance:


Monday, Feb. 27 – Gift card raffle money and tickets are due


-WHOLE SCHOOL spaghetti
and salad lunch using vegetables we have grown at school in
STEAM class!


-“Our Natural Wealth” presentations for grades 3-5


-Whole-school Kindness BINGO


Tuesday, Feb. 28 – Black History Month bulletin board contest


Wednesday, March 1 – Draw for the gift card raffle


Thursday, March 2 – Winter Carnival activities/tour at Nashwaaksis
Memorial – The buses will be leaving at 10am and we will leave to return to the
school at 12:10pm. The lovely folks at Memorial are providing ALL
STUDENTS with pizza while we are there! We will be having a brief tour of the
school as well as special activities in the gym.


-Whole school breakfast


Friday, March 3 – Pajama Day!


Reminders/looking ahead:


March 4- 12 – March Break NO SCHOOL


Monday, March 13 - Our Black History Month presentations by The
Multicultural Association of Fredericton have been scheduled to this date and
are still taking place at Nashwaaksis Memorial. Students in grades
3-5 will leave the school at 8:45 for a 9:00am presentation. Students in grades
K-2 will be leaving MAS at 10:00am for a 10:20am presentation. These
presentations are 45 minutes each.


The March calendar was sent home with your child(ren) this week. Please
continue to keep an eye on the weekly memos as things are always being added!

As always, thank you for your support, and have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Christie Jordan
McAdam Avenue School

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