Posts: Week at a Glance - April 10-14, 2023

4/6/2023 11:03 AM by roxanne.yerxa

Dear MAS families,



We hope you have all had a terrific week! Monday, we recognized Autism
Awareness Day/World Autism Day. Huge thanks to our friend in the picture below
for distributing our Autism Awareness pins. Students watched a video, read a
book and had discussions about autism in their classrooms. Report cards are
going home today, and we will also be participating in whole-school, multi-age
math centres later today to support our math school improvement goal!




Week at a glance:


Monday, April 10 – Easter Monday; No school


Tuesday, April 11 – Fire drill


-May hot lunch available online


Wednesday, April 12 – PSSC and Home and School meeting at 6:00 (this has
changed to this week from next week)


Thursday, April 13 – Parent/teacher in the evening


Friday, April 14 – No school; parent/teacher in the morning; PL in the
afternoon (Holistic Curriculum Framework)


Please see the April calendar that was sent home for more events and
activities for April:


Aprilcalendar families.docx 


Items to note:


-Hot lunch for May opens on Tuesday. Please note that there is no option to
order for May 19 as we will be providing pizza lunch to all students that day.
Also, for May 26th prepaid orders will be honoured on this day from
January 13th (school closure due to weather).


-We would like to wish a Happy Passover to MAS families who are celebrating!
As well, Happy Easter to MAS families who are celebrating!

Have a safe and happy long weekend.
Mrs. Christie Jordan
McAdam Avenue School

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