Posts: Week at a Glance - May 29-June 2

5/26/2023 1:40 PM by roxanne.yerxa

Good afternoon and Happy Friday! I hope everyone has had a wonderful week. I
was writing "June 2" in the subject of this email and thinking to
myself, "HOW did that happen?" It is so hard to believe we are into
June next week! We had our May Student Voice meeting on Tuesday; please see the
students' ideas below! On Wednesday, we hosted our Welcome to Kindergarten
event at NMS and got to meet our students who will be starting school next
year. It was a wonderful afternoon and we can't wait to welcome our new
students in the fall! Also on Wednesday, we held a Cultural Learning Day at
MAS! Each class chose a country to learn about and then set up stations,
activities, posters and videos to teach the other classes about their country.
We hope your child told you some of the things they learned! Please see a few
photos below. Yesterday, we held our May Star Student assembly and Mrs. LeBlanc
discussed how families are all different and special. Thank you to those of you
who sent in pictures of your family - the kids were delighted to see themselves
and their friends up on the screen! Students in grades 3-5 did a virtual 'field
trip' to Ducks Unlimited due to the weather on Thursday. 


studentvoice may.jpg
culturallearning pic 1.jpg
culturallearning pic 2.jpg
culturallearning pic 3.jpg
culturallearning pic 4.jpg

Week at a Glance:


-The June calendar was sent home earlier this week, but here is an
electronic copy: Junecalendar families.docx 


-Monday, May 29
- Intergenerational Program BBQ at MAS at 12:15 for students in grades 4/5 and
community members from York Care Centre


-Whole school math BINGO


-PSSC/Home and School at 6pm at MAS


-Tuesday, May 30
- Music Madness with students from Nashwaaksis Memorial!
NMS students will be coming to MAS, along with Mr. Jarvis (music), for a fun
musical collaboration with our students and Ms. Simmonds! It is a wonderful
opportunity for their students to see the site of their future school!


-Wednesday, May 31
- Red shirt day for Disability Awareness


-Thursday, June 1
- District Track & Field for select students in grades
3-5 at Nashwaaksis Middle School. 


-Clean Air Day


-Intergenerational Day


-UNB will be doing a presentation with students in Ms. McCabe's class


Important to note:


-I wanted to let you know that District and EECD reached out this week, and
there will be representatives at the Family BBQ at NMS on June 7 to display
renderings and answer questions about the new school.


-We are still looking for volunteers for our Family BBQ & Fun night at
NMS on June 7 from 5:30-7! Here is the link to sign up:
As well, we are looking for donations for this event! If you would like to
donate juice boxes or freezies, please drop them off to our school by May


-I have reached out to District transportation about busing for next year to
Nashwaaksis Memorial. The transportation manager stated that all students that
live in the MAS boundary will be bused to NMS next year. The school bus
information won’t be visible online until mid-August but they are planning
to use the same stops that the French immersion students who currently
attend NMS are using.


-Here is the poster for the MAS Open House/Reunion on June 14. Please feel
free to share! reunionposter.jpg 


It looks like it is going to be a beautiful weekend and I hope you all enjoy
every second of it!

Mrs. Christie Jordan
McAdam Avenue School

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