Posts: June 18 - 22, 2018

6/15/2018 2:49 PM by Cheryll.Penney

We have arrived at the last week of school! It will be a busy, fun week next week. 

On Tuesday we will have our K-2 water day. Please be sure to provide your child with a bathing suit (or an extra set of shorts and t-shirt) and a towel as well as a plastic bag to put all the wet stuff in. We are sure to have a blast and be very wet that day. Our plan is to do this between recess and lunch so the children should be dry by the time it's time to go home.

We have our Creative Kids Clusters' Showcase on Wednesday starting at 11:00. Please feel free to come see what your child has been doing during this enriching time. This will be followed by our Family picnic/bbq. Bring a blanket on which to sit and enjoy this time with your child.

The children will be dismissed at 11:30 on Friday. 

We have some fun things coming up in our balloon pops this week. I am sure the children will love all the surprises. I hope you can keep a secret. Wednesday morning will be board games. If you have a board game that your child likes to play at home, please consider sending it in with your child to share with their friends. Don't tell them that others may be bringing some in as well or that it is in the balloon that day. Surprises are fun!

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the beautiful weather. I hope to see you tomorrow at Colour Splash Dash!

Cheryll Penney

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