Posts: September 10 - 14, 2018

9/9/2018 4:09 PM by Cheryll.Penney

Welcome to all of our brand new Kindergarten students! I'm so excited to teaching all of you! Welcome back to our new grade 1 students! It is lovely to see everyone again and get to know you in a whole new way.


We had a great start up to our year with the children meshing really well together. All of the children seem to really enjoy the play aspect of our learning. 


This week we are beginning to work on letters of the alphabet; forming them, learning their sounds and making words with them. For the grade 1s, we are reviewing all of the letters again to reinforce and extend their learning. 


We are working on choosing some just right fit books to have in our book pockets. Also, working on our stamina during silent reading time.


We have started working on patterns in math; making patterns with 2 or more elements and repeating them. 


As a class, we'll be thinking about how we work together and resolve conflict. This is our kindness week so we need to think of ways we can show kindness to others. #Beccatoldmeto


I hope your children have enjoyed their first week (even though I know most of us are tired). Please feel free to get in touch with me with any concerns at


This week at our school:


Harvest Jazz and Blues visit - September 11


Meet the Teacher night - September 12  6:00pm


Hot lunch orders due - September 13


Becca Schofield Day - September 14


Have a wonderful week!


Cheryll Penney

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