Posts: ​Weekly What’s Up: September 10-14, 2018

9/10/2018 3:09 PM by Amanda.Davis

Welcome to grade 2 everyone! 
We had a great first week and I know we will have many great weeks
ahead. I hope everyone is able to join us on Wednesday night for our Meet the
Teacher information night.  Mrs. Burnett
will be going over some of the new changes at McAdam Ave for this year and then
parents will visit classrooms.  I will
share a summary of the grade 2 curriculum, how our days are structured, our
classroom expectations and then your child will have a chance to show you
around the school (including our new STEAM room!).


Our first book orders of the year went home today.  I spoke with the students about being okay
with mum or dad saying no to buying books. 
I understand that September is a very expensive month, but I wanted to
provide you with the opportunity to purchase if you are interested.  You are now able to order online if you
prefer to pay by credit card or you can send in the paper order form and cash
or a cheque made out to Scholastic Canada Ltd. 
If there is ever a time that you would like to order a book as a
surprise, please let me know and I will be sure to set it aside rather than
giving it to your child when it arrives. 


Literacy:   Over the next few weeks I will be assessing the students
in reading and writing.  Once my assessments
are complete I will share their current levels with you.  It is completely normal for students to
regress a bit over the summer and your child may begin this year reading at a
level that is below their level from the end of grade 1.  This is just our starting point and we will work
from where your child is at.


Math:  We have already kicked off our pattern unit
and they are doing fantastic.  Looking
for patterns in your home or while you’re out and about (displays, floor tiles)
is great real world practice.  We’ve also
started working on representing numbers in different ways.


Dates to Remember


Monday, September 10:


Tuesday, September 11: Harvest
Jazz and Blues presentation


Wednesday, September 12:


Thursday, September 13: Hot
lunch orders due


Friday, September 14: Milk
orders due, book orders due, Rebecca
Schofield Act of Kindness Day

Category: Mrs. Davis
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