Posts: Week at a glance Sept 17-21st

9/17/2018 12:13 PM by maggie.estabrooks

Dear Parents/guardians,



I hope everyone had a great weekend. Just a few reminders
for the week. Permission slips for cross-country have to be brought back as
soon as possible since it is on Wednesday. Hot lunch will start tomorrow and milk
starts this this Thursday. Be sure to check communication bags for notes and homework.
Students should be reading 15-20 minutes per night and if you can, ask them
about what they are reading.


Reminder that a 45$ student fee is due, you can pay online
or send money into the school.


Here are some important dates:


Tuesday, Sept. 18- Hot lunch Tots n Taters. Choir at 9:45am. 


Wednesday, Sept. 19- Cross country 1:15pm at Gibson Neil 


Thursday, Sept. 20- 1st day for milk. Hot Lunch Great Canadian


Friday, Sept. 21- Hot lunch Tots n Taters



What we are learning this week:


Literacy: We are
continuing to work on recounting stories. We are now looking at adding
dialogue, good descriptive details/words, linking words and having the story in
the proper order. We also started one of our first class novels, Georges
Marvelous Medicine by Roald Dahl.


Math: We are
focusing on number patters and how to use a table as a strategy to figure out
pattern rules. We are also doing some practice with multiplication and place
value games.


Science: We are
exploring different habitats. We will look at what these habitats look like,
and what can live there.


Extra practice


Here are some ideas for games you can play at home with your
child to practice the skills we are currently learning.


Math- If you have
a deck of cards you can play multiplication war. This is great practice for
multiplication facts. Split the deck in half, each person flips one card.
Whoever can multiply the two cards that are flipped gets the card. Whoever has
the most cards at the end wins. Ex: If you flip over a 5, your child flips over
a 4, whoever says 20 first wins.


French- We are
working on school vocabulary right now. This website is a great resource.


If you hit start -> then when picking a topic you can
find a variety including school objects. It goes through a lesson, a game then
a little quiz.


Have a good week!


-Maggie Estabrooks

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