Posts: Week at a Glance October 9-12, 2018

10/8/2018 4:26 PM by shaneen.coes

Week at a Glance   
 October 9-12, 2018                                                                          Grade ¾


Students had a fabulous time
on our apple picking field trip Friday and I’m hopeful everyone had a wonderful
long weekend! Don’t forget that Thursday is SCHOOL PICTURE DAY.

On Friday this week, please
check your child’s Communication Bag for their Show What You Know Binder. This binder will be coming home at various
times throughout the year showing YOU what your child has learned in class. It
may contain: math assessments, a record of your child’s current reading level,
a piece of writing, science worksheets and other pieces of your child’s work
for you to celebrate your child’s learning and academic growth. Please sign the
pages at the front of the binder and return the binder to school on Monday.
Also PLEASE do not remove any of the work from this binder.

As always,
if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s learning at any time,
please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mrs. Coes


Monday, Oct. 8-
No School. Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, Oct.
9- Hot lunch Tots n Taters. Choir at 9:45am.
Estey Afterschool Art program.

Wednesday, Oct.
10- Cross country 1:15pm at Nasis Middle School.

Thursday, Oct.
11- Picture Day. Hot Lunch Great Canadian Bagel. 

Oct. 12- Hot Lunch Tots n Taters. School Spirit day. STAR student assembly.
Fire Safety presentation.

School website  à           
Click the “Teacher Pages” tab at the top of the page.


                                    Areas of Focus for October
9-12, 2018 

Writing- This week, students will begin working on a Persuasive
Writing piece and will complete whole-class activities using the resources in
their Writer’s Toolkit.  Students are
also finishing up their All About Me books. If you would like to see these,
please drop me a line and I will send them home in the Communication Bag.

Reading- Students will
meet with me in small groups during Guided Reading, as we read and complete
activities using levelled books that match each students’ reading level.
Students receive new books at their reading level and one level above on
Tuesday. Please practice at home and complete the Reading Log.

student will choose from a variety of activities related to their
differentiated word list for the week. This child-centered approach replaces
traditional spelling tests.


Numeracy-  Our whole-class lessons this week will focus on using
a variety of strategies to add/subtract 2 and 3 digit numbers. Students will
meet with me in small groups during Guided math as we complete math assessment
#1. Grade 3 students will be focusing on: fluency of math facts and place value
to 100s. Grade 4s are working on fluency of math facts and place value to 1000s.
Everyone will also have lots of chances to play math games with classmates; our
focus during games this week will be skip counting and place value.

Science- This week we begin our unit on Sound. Students will read,
watch videos and complete experiments related to the question: how are sound
and vibration related/connected?


The homework assigned is an extension
of class instruction and is meant for extra practice. Completed activities can
be kept at home. However, if there is an activity you would like to share with
me, please do so! :)

Reading- Inside your child’s
Communication Bag are two levelled books based on their current reading level. Students should read aloud (even to themselves!) for 15
minutes each night. Books at their reading level are in their Communication
Bag. They should complete the reading

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