Posts: Week at a glance Oct 9-12th

10/9/2018 8:35 AM by maggie.estabrooks

Dear Parents/guardians,


I hope everyone had a
lovely Thanksgiving long weekend. Here are some reminders for this week. Be
sure to check communication bags for notes and homework. Students should be
reading 15-20 minutes per night and if you can, ask them about what they are


The district final run is Wednesday at Nasis Middle school. Students are to
meet there at 1pm.

Picture Day- Reminder that Thursday is school picture day!


Safety Week- This week is fire safety week. Activity magazines provided by our
local fire department will be coming home. We will also be having a fire safety
presentation on Friday.


Spirit STAR student Assembly- On Friday we will also be having our STAR student
assembly. Each class will be selecting 2-3 students that have been exemplifying
our school Code of Conduct- Be Safe, Be a Team Player, Be Accountable, and Be
Respectful. On this day we also ask students to dress in our school colors
(royal blue) or to wear school clothing if they have it.


Swap- Coming up in mid November we will be having our free winter clothing swap
for families. We will be looking for donations of winter clothing, boots, etc.,
so please keep this in mind as you clean out closets and/or start looking for
winter clothing. During our parent teacher interview night and day clothes will
be laid out in the gymnasium for families to take.


photo: As part of an activity for French class (describing physical characteristics),
I am asking students to bring in a baby/toddler picture of themselves by Thursday.
They will be returned once the activity is through.


Here are some important
dates for this week (Kindergarten
Registration for 2019)


Tuesday, Oct. 9-
Hot lunch Tots n Taters. Choir at 9:45am. Estey Afterschool Art program.
Wednesday, Oct. 10- Cross country 1:15pm at Nasis Middle School.


Thursday, Oct. 11-
Picture Day. Hot Lunch Great Canadian Bagel.


Friday, Oct. 12-
Hot Lunch Tots n Taters. School Spirit day. STAR student assembly. Fire Safety





Here are some ideas for
games you can play at home with your child to practice the skills we are
currently learning.


Math- If you have a deck of cards you can play
multiplication war. This is great practice for multiplication facts. Split the
deck in half, each person flips one card. Whoever can multiply the two cards
that are flipped gets the card. Whoever has the most cards at the end wins. Ex:
If you flip over a 5, your child flips over a 4, whoever says 20 first wins.


French- We are working on describing
yourself/others right now. This website is a great resource.


There are various descriptive
words on this website that students use in class, such as hair color/texture,
eye color, and height.


Have a great week!


-Maggie Estabrooks

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